Partnership Dissolution Agreement Template

If you want to ensure a smooth and legally sound end to your business partnership then use a partnership dissolution agreement to protect your interests and assets.

Partnership Dissolution Agreement

Updated October 20, 2023
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A partnership dissolution agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which partners agree to terminate their business partnership. It serves as a roadmap for ending the partnership, settling financial obligations, and distributing its assets among the partners.

This document, also known as a partnership termination agreement, provides clarity and protection for all parties involved, helping avoid disputes and conflicts during the dissolution process.

Signing a partnership dissolution agreement doesn’t instantly conclude the partnership. The partnership persists until the business has settled its debts, finalized its legal status, and distributed any remaining assets.

When to Use a Partnership Dissolution Agreement

The partnership dissolution agreement is particularly valuable if there was no initial partnership agreement or if such an agreement lacked provisions for its termination. Here are other instances when you can use it:

In contrast to the dissolution of a partnership, when partners wish to modify or update their existing partnership agreement, they use a partnership amendment without dissolving the business altogether.

Requirements for Dissolving a Partnership

The dissolution of partnerships is predominantly governed by state law, but federal mandates also come into play. Here are some requirements to consider:

State Requirements

Each state has its unique approach to dissolution. Texas, for instance, adheres to its specific partnership law (Bus. Orgs. Code Section § 11.057), but the majority of states typically mandate the following steps for business dissolution:

If you and your partner conclude your business and announce the dissolution in a local newspaper, it serves as a public notice of the partnership’s termination. You would likely not be held accountable if your partner later secured a business loan using the partnership’s name after this notice.

Federal Requirements

The IRS has specific criteria and steps for closing a business. Here is what you need to have in mind to meet these federal obligations:

Other Requirements

On average, dissolving a partnership usually takes around ninety days from when the paperwork is filed, allowing partners enough time to finalize the necessary dissolution tasks. Here are the most common ones:

Key Elements

A well-drafted partnership dissolution agreement should include the following key elements:

1. Identification of Partners

The agreement should clearly identify all partners involved in the dissolution, including their names, contact information, and their roles within the partnership.

2. Termination Date

Specify the effective date of the dissolution. This is the date from which the partnership will no longer exist, and partners will no longer have the authority to act on behalf of the partnership.

3. Distribution of Assets and Liabilities

Outline how the partnership’s assets and liabilities will be distributed among the partners. This includes any outstanding debts, financial obligations, and the division of remaining assets after settling all liabilities.

When one partner intends to transfer or sell their partnership interest to another party, they might find it helpful to consider the assignment of partnership interest. It can be particularly relevant in such scenarios, which may impact the distribution of assets and liabilities among the remaining partners as outlined in the dissolution agreement.

4. Winding-Up Process

Detail the steps required to wind up the partnership’s affairs, such as notifying clients, collecting outstanding payments, and transferring contracts or leases to individual partners.

5. Dispute Resolution

Include provisions for resolving any disputes that may arise during the dissolution process. This can help prevent costly litigation and promote amicable resolution between the partners.

6. Confidentiality

Specify any confidentiality requirements or non-disclosure agreements that may be necessary to protect sensitive business information during and after the dissolution.

7. Governing Law

Indicate the jurisdiction and governing laws that will apply to the Partnership Dissolution Agreement. This ensures that the agreement is enforceable and provides clarity on legal rights and obligations.

Partnership Dissolution Agreement Sample

You can download a partnership dissolution agreement template below in PDF or Word format.

partnership dissolution agreement template

Partnership Dissolution Agreement

Start Building Your Partnership Dissolution Agreement Today!