Financial Accounting - Insolvency Accounts

Insolvency is a financial stringency i.e. when an individual or an organization/company is no longer capable to pay the debts he/it owes. Insolvency usually leads to insolvency proceedings, in which legal action can be taken against the insolvent, and assets may be liquidated to pay off the outstanding debts.

When a Person / Entity can be Declared Insolvent

Before declaring an entity or a person as insolvent, a competent court defines two conditions −

Act of insolvency means, when a person (debtor) shows that he is not able to pay his liabilities.

An order of adjudication must be passed by the court of law, before legally declaring any person insolvent. To pass an order of adjudication by the court of law, a petition should be filed by any of the creditor or creditors or by the debtor himself. Petition by the creditor may be filled only in following conditions;

After filing the petition, the competent court will fix date of hearing and then it may declares that the debtor is insolvent or not. If insolvency of a person starts from an earlier date, and not from the date of adjudication passed by the court. This is known as Doctrine of Relation Back.

Under Presidency Towns Act, to conduct the insolvency proceedings, an official is appointed by the court is known as Official Assignee and in case of Provincial Insolvency Act, known as Official Receiver. The property of the insolvent vests in the official assignee or receiver to realize the assets and distribute the sale proceeds of the assets in the manner given below −

The Order of Discharge

Order of discharge is an order issued by the court of law to the insolvent. Normally, this order releases the insolvent from all current and provable debts and liberates him from the legal obligations imposed on as insolvent. The order of discharge is issued on the basis of the report submitted by the official receiver and on the application of the insolvent.


An interest @ 6% pa will be paid to the creditors for the period, after the order of adjudication, if, any surplus remains, after full payment to the creditors.

Voluntary Transfer

As per the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, any property transferred by the insolvent without any consideration during the two years preceding the order of adjudication shall be void. Under the Provincial Insolvency Act, such transfer became inoperative, if made with two years of petition of the insolvency except followings −

Insolvency Law

The Insolvency Act in India is based on English Bankruptcy Act and following two acts are applicable on the Indian Territory −

Above Insolvency Acts are applicable to any Individual, Partnership Firm, and Hindu Undivided Family only. Companies Act, 1956 applies to Joint stock companies and the term liquidation is used instead of Insolvency. In case of insolvency, a person is not able to pay his liabilities but in case of liquidation, company may be liquidated even it has the sufficient amount to pay its liabilities.

Insolvency Accounts

Under the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, insolvent has to submit following documents to the court of law −

No provision, for the submission of a Statement of Affairs under Provincial Insolvency Act. The form of Statement of Affairs as prescribed by the rule made under Presidency Towns Act is given below −

Statement of Affairs

(As required by the Indian Insolvency Act)

In the Court of Justice

To the insolvent – you are required to fill up carefully and accurately, this sheet and the several sheets, A,B,C,D,E,F,G, and H, showing the state of your affairs on the day on which the order of adjudication was made against you viz. the …………day of …………..20…….

Such sheets, when filled up will constitute your Schedule and must be verified by Oath or Declaration.

Unsecured Creditors as per List A

Fully Secured Creditors as per list B

Less: Estimated value of Securities

Less: Amount thereof carried to List C

Balance thereof contra

Partly secured creditors as per List C

Less: Estimated value of Securities

Preferential Creditors as per List D (Creditors for rent, taxes, salaries and wages, etc.) payable in full as per contra

Property as per List E, viz.

Book debts as per list F, viz.

Estimated to produce

Bills of exchange or other similar

Securities on hand as per List G

Estimated to produce

Surplus from securities in the hands of creditors fully secured (per contra)

Deduct: Creditors for preferential rent, rates, taxes, wages, etc. (per contra)

Deficiency as per explained in list H

I /We ………………make oath, solemnly affirm, and say, that the above statement and the several lists hereunto annexed marked A,B,C,D,E,F,G, and H are to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, a full and complete of my/our affairs on the date of the abovementioned order of adjudication made against me/us.

Affirmed------------------ at. ………….this……………day of Sworn Before me.

Just like Balance sheet, the statement of affairs is divided in to two part of Assets and Liabilities and liabilities of the insolvent are classified as −

Unsecured Creditors as per List A

Trade creditors, stridhan ornament and personal belongings etc. of lady) of Mrs., bills payable, bank overdraft, partly paid shares held, uncompleted contracts guarantees given for others, etc., wages, rent, salaries, etc.

Loan from Wife

Loan taken from wife is usually treated like any other loan taken and makes wife creditor of the insolvent. In case, it is proved that loan is paid by wife out of amount received from insolvent, then be treated as the capital of insolvent.


@ 6% interest will be paid to the creditors after the date of adjudication, if there is a sufficient balance left after the payments to creditors.

Fully Secured Creditors as per List B

The creditors who have sufficient securities against their claims will be included in this list and after paying these creditors, balance amount will be shown on the asset side of the statement of affairs as available balance to distribute among other creditors.

Partly Un- secured Creditors as per List C

Un-paid or unsatisfied amount of the partly secured creditors will be shown as expected to rank column as unsecured creditors, to be divided for unpaid amount.

Preferential Creditors as per List D

Following creditors comes under the category of preferential creditors and such creditors get preference over the un-secured creditors.

As per the law, following creditors come under category of the preferential creditors −

The assets as shown in the statement of affairs of insolvent are classified into the four categories as follows −