Personal Loan Handbook: All Questions Answered

Personal Loan Handbook: All Questions Answered

Remember running low on pocket money as a kid and then cautiously approaching your dad or mum for a little bit more to tide you over for the month? Well, a Personal Loan works a little bit like that. Only, you will need to repay what you borrowed and a wee bit extra as ‘interest’. A Personal Loan provides you capital whenever you are in need of money. You can take a Personal Loan to pay for expenses arising out of a medical emergency, for higher studies or just to pay for a fancy vacation (we do not recommend the latter).

There is usually no condition imposed by the lender on the usage of funds. It is entirely at the discretion of the borrower. No questions asked by the bank. It’s for this very reason, a Personal Loan is also called an “All Purpose Loan”. Well, as long as you’re using those funds within the framework of the law, it’s all good. So, a Personal Loan to support your gambling habit or fund your brainwave to brew some moonshine in your backyard probably isn’t a good idea. We’ll tell you more about the common reasons people take a Personal Loan for in the next section.

Purpose Of A Personal Loan
(Just what on earth does one use it for?)

Personal Loans are usually taken to fulfil some kind of financial obligation or expense on the part of the borrower, or at times when funds are urgently needed. Some of the most common causes for getting a Personal Loan are:

So if you’re thinking of a Personal Loan to pay off that hitman you ordered to take down Johnny Bravo, you might want to revisit that idea.

Features Of A Personal Loan
(What’s the fuss all about?)

Personal Loans, like onions in India, are always in great demand. If you meet the eligibility criteria and have all your documents in order, you can get a Personal Loan in a matter of a few days or even a few hours. Listed below are the features of a Personal Loan:

Eligibility For A Personal Loan
(Do you make the cut?)

You know you’re just right for a Personal Loan if you’re homely, domesticated and convent-educated. We’re kidding. Knowing the eligibility criteria before applying for a Personal Loan will help you avoid the possibility of rejection of the application on the grounds of eligibility. Moreover, if everything is in order, banks will be able to process your application faster and without a hassle. To be eligible for a Personal Loan, you must be:

Here are the specifics:

Should be at least 21 years of age Should be at least 24 years of age
Should be no more than 58 years on the maturity of the loan Should be no more than 65 years on the maturity of the loan
Earns at least 17,500 p.m. Earns at least 17,500 p.m.
Should have been at least 1 year with the current organization Should have been at least three years in the same profession

Once the above mentioned requirements have been met, the banks check your CIBIL Credit Score. To be eligible for a Personal Loan, you must have a minimum CIBIL Score of 750.

The general agreement is that any score between 750 and 900 is indicative of a good credit record.

Keep in mind, the eligibility requirements may differ from bank to bank. It’s always good to ask before applying.

How to Avoid Personal Loan Rejection
(Tips to get your loan application approved)

Wear clean socks and don’t anger the bank manager by stealing his pen. While that advice might help to a very small extent, here’s what you really need to know: Frequent job changes, too many loans, a typo in your application and a missed call could spell trouble.

Lesser known reasons for a Personal Loan rejection include:

Documents Required For A Personal Loan
(What you’ll need for a well-prepped file)

Just like the eligibility criteria, the list of documents required to process a Personal Loan may differ from bank to bank. The following table lists out most commonly required documents.


Proof of identity

Residence or Address Proof